It is evident to justify that PACODEF is doing it all to save lives;
The nutrition centre initiated way back in 201

0 to crack down the malnutrition pandemic which was very high in Papoli and beyond, has proved real and justifiable.
To show course it is preferably evident to follow the history of Berekia who survived the arm of death from malnutrition. This was shortly after the inception of PACODEF nutrition program in 2010. When Berekia from one of the villages of pakamalungi was identified in a critical condition and rushed to the centre in miserable state by our active community volunteers.

Best practices and passion was shown to see Berekia back to normal from 2010 to 2014.
Apparently, Berekia is enrolled at Papoli primary school in grade one. This however, translates PACODEF effort towards the wellbeing of the vulnerable children like Berekia and many others who have survived on record.
What a big achievement to the family members, community of Papoli, PACODEF and Uganda; more time more chances GOD BLESS YOU.