The construction of Papoli Primary School dormitories dining hall kick started amidst cheers and joy. Looking and flashing back at the history of Papoli village and that of the school, the existing development in terms of academic and infrastructural, history has been made to be told to generations and generations to come.

Papoli Primary School before the inception of PACODEF projects, like any other rural and government aided school in Tororo District had the worst footing. Pupils were very few due to lack of structures and furniture. In Papoli village school, classes were conducted under tree shades, grass thatched houses and a church but now as we talk, Papoli is ranked number one in the District as the only model rural school.
With that brief history in mind, hope is evident in the eyes of the people having come from grass to grace. They now have not only a wonderful school buildings and dormitories for boys and girls, electricity, safe water systems and lightening arrestors. And now a dining room under construction, what a big deal! The size and the location of the dining hall under construction put’s the dormitory up to the standard of the urban settings. I would also like to thank the community for the love and co-operation they show us as we go about our work.